Greeting and Blessings beloved, once again an honor to be writing you. I take this as a true honor and privilege. As I write you today my spirit goes toJude 1:3 "Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people." You may say Prophet how does that relate to you. Well, for one, my online audience, the prophetic circle, we have been in a series about aligning to in worship and how offering and sacrifice was a form of worship. On the other, our new apostolic ministry that we are connected to just finished a series covering the entire letter of Jude. Jude only has one book with one chapter. Every Tuesday for the last four weeks at 6pm on our conference line, we here the Word of God. I started the teaching off discussing the first four verses of Jude. In my opening I explain to the body of believers, that I could relate to Jude in verse three because sometimes when I sit down to write you all the Spirit of the Lord will change my topic or my stand point.
Well beloved, He has done it again. God is wise in all His moves. Therefore I will not question Him. So I will speak. I wanted write you all about the the five types of giving, but I must write to you express the importance of standing firm in your faith and spreading The Word of God, which is His Spirit and Power. Why do I say this? Because, GOD IS MOVING! Almost everything that was spoken in the Word of the Lord for September is manifesting.Conflict. Chaos. Riots. High Murder. Division. Acts of Terror. Earthquakes. Next it will be Trains and Hurricanes. Therefore, I must write you encouraging you as Jude said "to contend to the faith". I need you all to stand firm in the true faith you say you believe in. The message that I write to you tonight will be the same message I taught this past Tuesday at 6pm on our conference call teaching. The same points I taught then I want to bring to you tonight. Because this is an hour that we should unite and believe God yet we are not and there is an issue.
Yet I believe we are getting the Word of God to somebody. Here's why? The prophecy for September mentioned earthquakes. The day after Ohkloma got hit with an earthquake. That was prophetic confirmation, the sign that sent the Word of The Lord to that region. But what happen next is amazing. Weeks later, two black men are shot by a white officers in two different regions and immediately there is conflict. However, one of those regions, happened to be the region the Word of the LORD hit, Ohkloma. Now this is where it gets good. While one city was hit with conflict - they allowed it to cause divisions and riots. Contrary to Tulsa, Oklahoma that decide to pray, unite, removing division, and avoiding riots. Which leads me to say GOD IS MOVING, and HE IS TELLING US HIS MOVES. My message this week will reveal what we should be doing for God's next move.

Okay, so let's work. Jude ended us off with a power closing statement, after his letter warning the Body of Christ about the falsehood of many leaders that have slipped in amongst them. I have three simple points that I believe God would have us to do in order to avoid this next shift. Remember, Recommend, and Reverence.
Jude speaks in verse 17-19 telling us to Remember. In this current hour we must remember what He has already spoken. We all know that there is nothing new under the sun. Jude says even in verse five, I'm not telling you something that you haven't already heard. You know that you are your brother's keeper. You know that you must give to God as though you don't own it knowing He'll give it back. You know that insight and instruction will be given if you ask. You know that if you do what is acceptable you'll be accepted. You know if you forget God, He will punish you. But I MUST urge you REMEMBER this teaching! We talked about it a few weeks ago, and it even talks about it in Jude three "how God delivered the Children from Egypt but later destroyed them because of their unfaithfulness." When we forget God, we get proud like Hosea 13:6 says. But in this next season God is saying remember the apostolic teaching that you have learned before. Also remember the new teachings that you have learned. Jude was teaching them to identify the Spirit that has came in. Prophet Omarious is teaching you how to hear from God and steer through what's coming.
The second point is Recommend. Jude recommended to them ways to steer clear of the false teaching that would proceed these false teachers. Jude told them by building yourself up on your Most Holy Faith and praying in the Holy Spirit - keep yourselves in God's love as you wait on him. Jude also recommended for us, I mean them, as they wait on mercy, to be merciful, even to those who doubt the coming. He says, "save others by snatching them from the fire." Or in other words have mercy to get mercy but also save some by warning them of the current dangers, just like you were warned. Spread the word like it was spread to you. When the man of God tells you something tell someone else. What happen to "when you see something, say something." That's snatching others out of the fire too. Jude also said something profound in verse 22, "to some show mercy mixed with fear - hating the clothing or the sin that caused their sinful life. Meaning, grant them favor even if they don't deserve it. Bless others even when you don't have it, but don't sin to do it. Don't have mercy because you need mercy; have mercy because you respect or reverence God's Word/Law. If you see something bad or good about to happen or happening, make a recommendation saving them. It's better for you to bless God by being obedient by saying something when it should be said. This next season will call for RECOMMENDATIONS.!
Lastly while I'm on this point - Reverence. God is calling for us to reverence him. Reverence is a name for worship meaning giving or doing in honor of . In closing Jude's letter, he reverenced or in other words; addressed God in a formal or honoring fashion. Verse 24 starts by saying "Now unto Him" then it describes God. Back then they had such a smooth way for talking. They knew how to make someone feel worthy. Jude reverenced or addressed The Holy Spirit as one who is able to keep you from stumbling and present you blameless before His present glory with great joy, talking to the only God, our Savior. He says unto Him be glory majesty power and authority through Jesus Christ. So Jude ends His final statements saying TO GOD BE THE GLORY. No matter what is going on with the current authorities and police, no matter the circumstances with corrupt power and the power being off - TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I'm done. There is not more to say. Because Jude's writing tells me - that's how you prepare a true message from God to the people. Teach them what was taught or remind them, then recommend what they should do in there own situation but finally after all is said and done - just Reverence the Most Holy Father by giving Him glory and majesty. My God, My God that was Good. So in my closing I can say nothing but despite all that is going on because you're connected to the right Prophet to warn you of what's coming to GOD BE GLORY.
-Prophet Omarious Fann