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ROOTED (part one)

​​Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalms 1:1‭-‬3 KJV

Today we find ourselves in a familiar passage of scripture. Psalms chapter one. In this current moment, God is speaking to me concerning being "well rooted" not just planted but rooted. In order to produce fruit consistently, we have to be prepared for the season that lay before us. Seasons are defined by their conditions. Winter is cold, but spring is warm, while summer is more heated. Rainy season consist of cool air, and wet or muddy environments. On the other hand, a dry season consists of little water, ​considerable​ pressure and a higher risk of producing ​less ​fruit. Nevertheless, this message teaches us that despite the season or storm our ability to produce fruit is solely based on our ability to be rooted and not just in any old place.

A tree - if designed to produce will produce in its designated season however there are several fruits or fruit tree that produce all year round, despite the subjected conditions. For example apple trees, bananas and even avocados - are all fruits or fruit trees that produce despite the timing. While many believers settle with the idea that "this isn't my season" I want to suggest that as a believer the season should not define your ability to produce. Our opening scripture begins by explaining to us the characteristics or attributes of not only a blessed man, but also one who is deeply rooted in the ground and stretches to meet his needs. While verses one and two give us context to better serve our content. I want to focus on verse three that deal​s​ with a man being a planted like a tree​.​ "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Now, of course, I appreciate the text in its original context, however, ​I love the way the ​New Living Translation states it "Oh, the joys of those who do not​ ​follow the advice of the wicked,​ ​or stand around with sinners,​ ​or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.​ ​They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.​ ​Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.​"​

Hold up now! This is where it gets interesting because here we have once version saying in "his/its season" and another saying " in each season". What determines if it's every season or one season, or in other words a designated time? I'm glad you ask. We know for a fact that all trees start from seeds. Therefore, we must recognize that there are phases that we must undergo through in order to produce fruit. No tree or fruit starts as a tree or fruit, because it is the product of seed. Stay with me I'm going somewhere. In between seed and tree, there is a phase called 'sprout'.

Sprout is a noun and a verb. Sprout defined by Webster as a noun is: 1. a new growth from a germinated seed. Or as a verb is defined as 1. to begin to grow, shoot forth 2. to put forth buds or shoots. Often times, before you see anything on the surface a sprout has already blossomed underground and has begun stretching its roots for water.​ ​Crazy thing is - I​ don't think I've ​ever seen​ a​ sprout​, ​even ​in the Bible, and until I started studying this message I've always thought too deep into what a sprout was. I knew when i as younger hanging out with my dad every now and again he would call me - Sprout. I never asked him why he called my brother and I that from time to time. Yet when i got a little older and started taking science classes in school they taught us that a sprout wasn't a seed but it wasn't yet a tree either. Similar to a skyscraper, a tree can only grow as high as it's been planted. Therefore, after the seed pops open and can no longer be called a seed but before it climbs tall to be called a tree there's a level called maturation. I meant Sprout. Meaning I know where I want to be but I'm growing where I need to be. Often times, we're so quick to grow up that we forget to grow down. Growing down isn't the opposite of growing up but rather a different perspective to growing up. Let's admit it. "Nobody wants to grow up. " Growing down is expanding yourself in the necessary resources needed to mature. Being Rooted! Can I suggest that if we learn to grow down it may be easier for us to stand up like a tree? Growing down is the process of maturity that stabilizes you for when you grow up. The seasoned saints would put it like this "growing down is training up a child (sprout), so that when the heat and drought come he won't run."

Many believers today will not stand the test of tomorrow for there comes a drought. The key to being able to produce in any season verse your appointed is based on how well you handle you "sprout season". If you're too focused on growing up to produce fruit that you never grow down - you may never reach the level of maturation that provides for you in the season of drought. Notice, it's not that the tree was planted or rooted but rather it roots where embedded near a riverbank. Therefore, it doesn't depend on outside water to grow. It's connected to a sufficient source that is able to feed it in any season. Last point and I'm done, the number one reason you should be rooted is because many people will watch you grow but not everyone is going to water you. Being rooted is like being a sprout -digging deep in order to find what will feed you in the long run.

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