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Writer's pictureOmarious Fann

Tumblr Prophecy Fulfilled.

In November of 2017, Prophet Omarious repeatedly addressed issues surrounding the social media app Tumblr and its explicit yet aggressive sharing of pornography. Prophet Omarious suggested that the open, uncontrollable and uncensored sharing of nudity, particularly from underage kids and young adults has produce several issues that distract, hinder, and plagued the growing generation. Nevertheless, it was reported to Prophet Omarious today that Tumblr has recently decide to ban all explicit adult content from the social media app. It was not disclosed to us the reasoning behind this decision, however we celebrate Tumblr’s decision. Prophet Omarious has privately expressed that this is not to be considered a full victory or manifestation of what was spoken and prophesied but rather a comprise in order to change the future and the direction of  the social media platform. Tumblr will still be operational on the other hand starting December 17th, 2018 all adult content that would be considered pornographic, explicit, and inappropriate will be flagged and deleted immediately. 

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